Get Healthy and Slim for Summer!

Did you know that acupuncture can help support you in your weight loss goals?  Along with a balanced diet and regular exercise, acupuncture can help to curb your appetite and cut down on cravings.  How?  It does so by balancing your natural feedback mechanism telling your brain that your stomach is full.  It can also boost your metabolism and improve digestion which helps the body work more efficiently to burn stored fat.  It improves circulation and blood flow to organs and muscles helping them function more efficiently.  Acupuncture also stimulates the release of serotonin which elevates your mood and helps to keep you focused to avoid emotional eating.  You will also be able to sleep better which means you will have more energy to keep up with your workouts!

Don’t procrastinate until June and then crash diet to fit into that swimsuit.  NOW is the time to start working on toning those arms, lifting that tush, and flattening that belly with healthy food choices, an exercise regimen and of course, acupuncture!

With so many reasons to incorporate acupuncture into your weight loss program, what are you waiting for??  Contact REMEDY NYC for more info!

Psst….Look for us on GiltCity in the coming week for special promo packages!


  • FIBER!  Fiber helps move foods along your digestive system and your colon to remain clean. Vegetables are very high in fiber: broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, celery, kale, spinach, and squash are just a few examples.  Foods with fiber are a great choice because they provide long-lasting energy and a full feeling without the high calories.
  • Check out Broccoli! It’s a powerhouse of nutrition. One cup of chopped cooked broccoli supplies 90 percent of the daily requirement of beta carotene, 200 percent of vitamin C, and 25 percent of your fiber needs.  Broccoli is also one of the veggies that has been shown to help protect our bodies against certain forms of cancer.  All this for only 45 calories/cup!
  • Lightly steam your favorite veggies and eat with low-fat spreads such as hummus or yogurt dip. If you get bored with the same vegetables every night, shake things up by making them into a casserole or stuffing peppers.
  • Fruit can also provide much-needed fiber to your diet. Strawberries, apples, and oranges are well known for being rich in fiber. Fruits are some of the easiest foods to eat to lose weight – they taste good and are low in calories. If you choose to eat citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit), try eating the white membrane surrounding the fruit – that part has the highest fiber content. I f you are counting carbohydrates, go for low carbohydrate fruits such as berries.


  • Stay AWAY from processed grains or white rice, white bread, and cornmeal.  These are very high in calories and have next to ZERO nutritional value. Instead, choose whole grain foods in moderation. One slice of whole wheat bread with a scrambled egg (or 2 egg whites) is a nutritional breakfast.  Beware of bran muffins or any muffins for that matter – they are loaded with sugar and fat, and are just as calorie heavy as a doughnut.
  • STOP drinking soda!  This includes regular and diet sodas.  Although diet sodas have no calories, they do contain chemicals such as saccharin and aspartame which have potentially dangerous (cancerous) effects on your bladder and reproductive organs. Instead of drinking soda, choose water or teas.  If you can’t stand the taste of water, try diluting 100% fruit juice with plain seltzer for a healthy, low-calorie drink. Quick fact: If you replaced a 20oz bottle of soda with water daily… You would easily lose up to 35 pounds in one year.

Hit a plateau?

As humans, we can become creatures of habit – we run the same workout program on the treadmill or elliptical, take the same aerobics class, or pop in our favorite workout video throughout the week. As we continue our routine workouts, we begin to notice our muscles become less sore post-workout, we no longer lose our breath mid-routine, and our heart is not beating as hard as it was at the first workout. This result is due to our body’s ability to adapt structurally and physiologically to environmental stimuli. This adaptability is known as plasticity. Our body constantly seeks to become as efficient as possible, thus it won’t burn as much calories doing the same routine now as it did day one. That is why we can exercise, eat right and still not see the desired results on the scale.

In order to break through this weight loss plateau, increase the intensity of your workout and switch up your routine! Push yourself to gradually and safely modify your routine every few weeks to continue seeing the weight come off.  For more information and inspiration, check out this post in The Daily Love about breaking through the fitness plateau here.  We at Remedy LOVE LOVE LOVE TDL’s messages and think you should sign up for their daily love notes! 🙂

Need some ideas to switch up your routine? Here are some of our favorite workouts in NYC!

Stacy’s Bootcamp:  Sometimes, we need a little tough love. Enter Stacy Berman. Stacy’s back-to-basics approach (eg: just you and Central Park) and kick-your-ass variety of workouts is why Stacy’s Bootcamp remains one of New York’s top bootcamps for years!

SoulCylcle: Between the dim lights, the awesome music, and the constant encouragement from your instructor, you almost forget how much your thighs are burning.  SoulCycle will leave you walking out a little sweaty, a lot inspired, and completely addicted!

The Bar Method:  Love the lean, toned dancer’s body but not a dancer?  Try the bar method!  The low impact program located in Soho involves isometrics, dance conditioning, and interval training to sculpt your muscles.  Or you can purchase the DVD’s and get fit in the comfort of your own home.

Yoga to the People:  And if all else fails, we always have yoga. Yoga is a sure way to strengthen your core, lengthen your muscles, and quiet your monkey mind. It’s Yoga to the People’s affordable, fun, and no-judgement zone atmosphere that makes it one of our favorite yoga studios in the city.

See y’all at the beach!

Remedy NYC

Spring Forward towards Health!





No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.  ~Proverb
Can you believe spring is almost here? After an especially brutal winter, we can finally put away our snow boots and wake up with the sun! Spring is one of the most joyous seasons. As we welcome longer and brighter days and the fresh spring air, we must prepare our minds and bodies for this new cycle. Be a step ahead and don’t let allergies or insomnia ruin your spring fling. So, before you shed off all your winter layers,  Remedy NYC has some tips on how to tackle some of springs trickiest symptoms.
Contact us for more information or to set up your appointment!

More sunshine, longer days, warmer weather, flowers beginning to bloom, and more chances to play outdoors!  All signs that spring is finally on its way in.  While this may be welcome after a long winter, they also signal the onset of allergy season for many people, affecting at least one-third of all Americans with sneezing, sinus congestion, runny nose, red, itchy eyes, skin reactions such as hives, and even severe reactions triggering asthma attacks.
People think they only have two options: hide out and stay indoors, missing out on all picnics and outdoor activities, or take prescription/OTC meds daily to temporarily control the symptoms only to then deal with a host of unwanted side effects such as drowsiness, low libido, depression, altered smell and taste, and high blood pressure.  But another option exists: a natural remedy that has been shown to provide relief for those suffering from seasonal allergies!
In a 2004 study published in Allergy magazine, weekly acupuncture treatments and Chinese herbal medicine can effectively treat the acute symptoms of seasonal allergies, while also treating the underlying cause to help prevent future allergies from occuring.  The aim is to regulate the immune response to allergens, and unblock the body’s flow of energy to restore balance to the body and strengthen the immune system to create substantial long-term health benefits.   Treatments over the course of a few weeks will help to strengthen your body’s defenses against allergens and help to mediate your body’s response to the irritants.  Now is the perfect time to start the acupuncture treatments!  Contact us to schedule an appointment.

Tips to help manage allergies
  • Eat local, seasonal foods. It keeps us in tune and in balance with the natural cycles around us.
  • Eat local honey, and – if you do not have a reaction to it, test by having only a tiny granule at first – local bee pollen. The local honey and bee pollen is made from pollen of local flowers, in a form that is utilized by the body. Thus, when the body is later exposed in the environment, the immune system does not see it as an invader and react against it.
  • Drink green tea and chamomile tea, both contains natural antihistamines
  • Avoid mucous producing foods like dairy and cold/raw foods which can exacerbate symptoms
  • Drink water to stay hydrated and keep the sinuses hydrated and for proper lymphatic drainage
  • Rinse your nasal passages to clear the allergen irritants out (see instructions below)

Nurture your nose
Between winter’s cold air and the allergies of spring and summer your sinuses can take a beating. Not to worry…there is a tried and true Ayurvedic ”solution” to this problem. The Neti Pot is a simple way to clean your sinuses and get rid of infection-causing bacteria. Neti Pot use helps relieve colds, allergies and sinus infections.
Mix a 1/4 teaspoon of finely ground non-iodized salt in 8oz of water.  Use the purest salt available because impurities in the salt can be irritating. Lean forward and turn your head to one side over the sink,keeping the forehead at the same height as the chin, or slightly higher. Gently insert the spout in the upper nostril so it forms a comfortable seal. Raise the Neti Pot gradually so the saline solution flows in through your upper nostril and out of the lower nostril.  Breathe through your mouth. When the Neti Pot is empty, face the sink and exhale vigorously without pinching the nostrils. Refill the Neti Pot and repeat on the other side. Again, exhale vigorously to clear the nasal passages.

We’ve all experienced sleepless nights spent tossing and turning in bed. Studies indicate that insomnia affects one in three adults every year in the US which means that over 90% of people experience some degree of insomnia in their lifetimes.  An occasional sleepless night is normal, but did you know that chronic insomnia has serious effects on our physical and mental health?
According to the National Sleep Foundation, poor sleep means more than a slow start the next morning.  Insomnia can impact your quality of life and can lead to mood disturbances such as anxiety, lack of motivation, decreased attention span, difficulty concentrating, and depression.  It can also contribute to physical problems ranging from headaches and weight gain to heart ailments.  Quality sleep helps you thrive by regulating hormone levels, boosting immune system function, and increasing blood supply to organs and muscles.  Without proper sleep, your body and brain will be ineffective at performing its daytime activities.
What causes insomnia?
Insomnia is when a person has trouble falling and/or staying asleep and does not feel refreshed after a night’s sleep.  It includes tossing and turning, waking up throughout the night (whether from dreams or habit), and being unable to fall asleep after waking up in the middle of the night.  Various factors contribute to insomnia; these include: stress, irregular work schedules, medications, chronic pain, drug or alcohol abuse, major life changes, hyperthyroidism, depression and anxiety.
How can Chinese Medicine help?
The World Health Organization lists insomnia as a condition that can be treated safely and effectively with Acupuncture.   Acupuncture clears obstructions in the muscle and nerve channels, and assists with the flow of oxygen-enriched energy throughout the body which results in calming and relaxing the sympathetic nervous system.  Benefits of acupuncture include deeper breathing, improved digestive capability, and a general sense of well-being.  Acupuncture works to bring your body and mind back into its natural rhythm thereby securing more restful sleeping patterns.

Tips for a better night’s sleep
Regardless of what’s causing your insomnia, it is important to establish and maintain healthy sleep habits.
At night:
  • Establish a regular bedtime routine and regular sleep-wake schedule
  • Avoid large and heavy meals at least 3 hours before bedtime
  • Create a comfortable sleep environment that is dark, quiet and cool.
  • Make it a rule not to work with a laptop, use your cell phone, or watch tv while in bed
During the day:
  • Exercise regularly, but finish your workout at least 3 hours before bedtime
  • Incorporate physical and mental relaxation techniques such as yoga and tai ji
  • Consume less or no caffeine, particularly late in the day
  • Avoid alcohol. Even if it helps you fall asleep quicker, it actually worsens insomnia by causing shallow, unrefreshing sleep
  • Avoid nicotine altogether as it has a detrimental effect on the lungs, heart, sinuses, and circulation.  And it also interferes with sleep as it is a stimulant that prevents the brain from resting

RECIPE: Lullaby Longan Tea
(Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen by Wang and Sheir)
This sweet and nutty-flavored beverage is gentle and soothing, and especially good for anyone who has trouble falling asleep.  Longan fruit, which is reputed to add luster to the skin, can also be brewed as a single-ingredient tea.  This recipe serves 1 to 2.
Combine the 8 pieces of dried longan fruit (long yan rou), 10 lotus seeds (lian zi), and 2 cups water in a small pot and bring to a boil.  Lower the heat and simmer, covered with the lid slightly ajar, for about 10 minuttes.  Strain out the herbs and serve.
Ingredients can be bought here in NY Chinatown.

‘The End of Ouch”

Acupuncture helps in treating chronic pain

“If pain affects body, mind, and spirit, then treatment must address these three pillars of human condition.”

Acupuncture treatments help to realign and reconnect the body on all levels naturally.  All without medication and side effects.

Healthy Weight Week!

Welcome to Healthy Weight Week!

We don’t believe in dieting resolutions. By the second week of January, most of us are feeling guilty for having tossed our resolutions out the window.  Instead of wilting under a restrictive diet (whether it be no carbs, no sugar, no fat), why not empower yourself with acupuncture and chinese medicine?

Acupuncture supports weight loss by:
·      curbing appetite
·      diminishing cravings
·      boosting metabolism
·      improving digestion
·      regulating obesity-related hormones
·      enhancing nutrient absorption
·      balancing emotions

Our skilled practitioners will use a 10-week acupuncture treatment protocol to help you reach and MAINTAIN your healthy weight goals.

After all, what’s the point of losing weight if you can’t keep it off?

Contact us today at for more information!